Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Research Proposal on CFD Essay Example

Research Proposal on CFD Essay Computational fluid dynamics is an important branch of fluid dynamics which includes the physical, mathematical and numerical methods which are aimed at the calculation of the characteristics of the fluid processes. The importance of CFD can not be overestimated, because its results are used in numerous spheres of human life, especially engineering. With the help of CFD the experts calculate and research the dynamics of various objects in the liquid and gas environment. For example, plane and ship modelling depend on the results of the research in the field of CFD and the technical characteristics of planes, submarines and other vehicles which function in the liquid and gas environment are projected with the help of CFD. CFD involves powerful supercomputers in the process of research and they study the interaction of the various bodies in the different situations, including the flight tests in the supersonic speed. There are several steps in the process of CFD. First of all, there is the introductory step which is characterised with the creation of the geometry of the model and formation of the regular physical conditions. The next step is calculation. The computer calculates the data according to the algorithm and the physical parameters (speech, pressure, temperature, density, etc) and records the results of the calculation into its memory. The final step is the analysis of the information. The results of the analysis are reflected in the form of graphs, tables, schemes, etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on CFD specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on CFD specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Proposal on CFD specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer CFD is an interesting and worthy topic for the analysis and the students who are interested in the problem should focus on CFD research proposal writing, which will provide them with the chance to write a research paper on this topic. One should collect enough facts about the value and functions of CFD and construct a logical and convincing paper which would impress the academic advisor. The research proposal is supposed to explain the student’s choice of the topic, its relevance, methodology, evaluation of the facts and evidence and finally present the expected results of the investigation, as it is very important to prove that the research will be useful for the development of the discipline. The single difficulty which is associated with research proposal writing is the lack of students’ knowledge about the persuasive manner of writing. In fact, with the help of a free example research proposal on CFD students receive basic piece of advice which would show them the proper way of paper writing. A free sample research proposal on CFD will be useful enough to present to students the models of writing, the examples of convincing writing, proper structuring and formatting. On the basis of such examples it is easy to plan your own paper and impress the professor. NOTE!!! All free sample research proposals and examples on CFD are 100% plagiarized, we are here to help you! is a leading research proposal writing service, which can offer you the solution you have been looking for. With thousands of written research papers and proposals for Master’s and PhD degrees, we can give you exactly what you need at very affordable prices. Our experienced writers will prove you that high quality and exclusivity is a trademark of our products. We can guarantee your confidentiality and promise you strict on time delivery. There are many reasons for to become your favorite research proposal writing service, but all we are asking you – just give us a try!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Greeks contributions DBQ essays

Greeks contributions DBQ essays Throughout history the ancient Greeks have made many contribution to the western civilization. They made advances in the areas of art, architecture, drama, philosophy, math, and science. These contributions have influenced the western civilization, and are still used in the world today. The ancient Greeks have made contributions in the two areas of art and architecture. For example, the ancient Greeks built the Parthenon, which is a temple built in honor of the goddess of wisdom, Athena (Doc.7). The Parthenon had columns built in the front it. The western civilizations used columns in some of their architecture, like the Lincoln Memorial. Another contribution is the famous sculpture known as the Diskabolus or the Discus Thrower (Doc. 8). The sculptor of this sculpture was showing that men should be physically fit. He also used very detailed lines to show how strong and fit the men in Greece were. Today artists use very detailed lines to show what something or someone actually looks like, just like the ancient Greek sculptor of the discus thrower. Even though some information is known about the Greeks contribution of art and architecture to the western world, we no even more about their contributions in the fields of math of science. A famous Greek physician named Hippocrates made advances in medicine. He created the Hippocratic oath, which promised that a physician would help a patient according to his ability and judgment. Also a physician will never give any deadly medicine to anyone if asked (Doc. 4). The Hippocratic oath is still used in the western civilization today. Many medical schools make all their doctor graduates say this oath. The mathematicians named Euclid and Pythagoras made some of the advances in math. Euclid said that if two straight lines were to cross each other, the vertical, or opposite angles would be equal (Doc.5). Euclids law is still used today to teach geometry. Pythagoras created the Pythagore...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Describe the relationship between the controlling function and other Essay

Describe the relationship between the controlling function and other managerial functions - Essay Example This essay will discuss the relationship between managerial control and other managerial functions, explain some of possible reasons why many people view controls negatively, and discuss the three primary steps involved in the control process. There is a very close relationship between managerial control and the other functions of management namely planning, coordinating, organizing, and directing. For instance, without proper planning, controlling activities in an organization can be baseless, while ineffective controlling can make planning a meaningless exercise. Proper management involves starting with planning or laying down strategies, organizing the available resources, coordinating the various departments in an organization, and finally implementing proper controlling measures (DuBrin, 2012). All these managerial functions reinforce each other and they can only be said to be inseparable. Employees in an organization usually view controls negatively with some going to an extent of claiming that managements should not exercise any type of control whatsoever. Most people claim that managements should be supporting employees’ efforts to be productive members of an organization, rather than imposing control systems for them, which they believe are counterproductive to both the employees and the general management. Research studies focusing on establishing people’s reaction towards the management control indicate that most people find management control as a way of dominating them, being coercive as well as heavy-handed (Daft, 2011). Setting performance standards is the first and most crucial step of any control process. In this context, standards refer to the targets or plans that have to be accomplished in the course of a business function, or the criterion for judging the overall performance in an organization. The standards set can either be measurable (tangible), or non-measurable (intangible) (Newton, 2011). Tangible standards refer to